Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sweet Visit

JDog (Jenny) and her adorable girls came for a visit last week. They live up in Grant's Pass, OR, and, lucky for us, Jenny's mom is here in the bay area. It was so much fun to catch up, and for our kiddos to play. Here are some photos:

Jenny and Chloe (16 months)

Karrah (3 yrs.) and Elodie

Fake smile, but it's me and my girl :)

Sweet Karrah

Cutie Chloe

Happy little lady

Wearing a fire truck hat, singing a fire truck song,
on his fire truck...life couldn't be better!

Group shots (pay attention to Elle in this sequence)

My favorite pic. of them to date

Thanks for the visit, Borchard ladies! Oh, how we miss you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This ones for us...

So we won't forget… how he makes us smile, laugh, and melt. A list of quotes from the little man. Many of them are stories we have told, sorry for any repeats. Here goes:

Bennett: Look Daddy, I have an Earwack! (said while holding up a finger covered in earwax).

Sunday School Teacher: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Bennet: Yeah...I have some.

Bennett: Daddy, can we get a Panda?
Rob: Well Bennett, they’re pretty big. Where would we put a Panda?
Bennett: In a tree!"

"Wow, Mommy, you look pretty!" or, "I like your hair." or, "Mommy, you’re the best!"

Waving to the fire truck passing by..."Bye firefighters, be brave!!"

"My Grandpa lives far away. So does my Bumpa. And my Uncle Kevin. All my people’s live far away. (perks up…) Auntie CoCo is gonna be close, though!!"

This is a common one: "I wanna be naked for a bit."

(When Rob works tons) “Can my daddy come to my house?”

We all need our privacy. Grammy, Heather (starts saying names that I had no idea he knew…). Yes, we all do…in fact.

Before he falls asleep, Bennett often suggests we recap the days events by saying: "Should we talk to our day?"

"Barrack OBAMA!!!" (when we see him on the news or on a bumper sticker)

He has always loved looking at books, but lately he looks at the pages and says: "I can’t read the words!” Today he said: “I look at the book, and I see the letters, but I can’t read the words!" And when he is “reading” to himself, he begins by saying the title and author like so: "The Hungry Caterpillar (for example). By San Francisco." Every book.

During nap time, I overheard Bennett singing his version of Amazing Grace from his bed: "I ooonce was lost, but nooow I’m found. Was deeead, but now I see.”

He walks into the kitchen, no pants on, holding Squirts (his stuffed elephant) & a cup of milk, and says, “Have it going?” He meant "how's."

Bennett: I’m gonna be a man. When I grow up. I’m gonna be a man.
Rob: Yes, Bennett, you’ll be a great man. But don’t be a man too soon, there’s lots of fun boy stuff left to do.
Bennett: Yeah, okay.

"Elodie, don't touch my bobbin!!!" He means bottom. "She touched my bobbin!!!" One time Elodie reached over, and, very swiftly, yanked Bennett's pants down. He was very mad. Hilarious.

And lastly:

Rob and I (independent of one another) both saw pooping as an opportunity to teach B. a lesson about lying/telling the truth. We explained to him that if he does a number 2, and we ask him if he has gone, the honest answer is yes (the dishonest answer is no, you get the idea...). So now, we always find out that he has made a poop when he announces, "I tell the truth!!"