Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Little Sunshine

Since Bennett was born my favorite song to sing to him (and there are lots) is "You Are My Sunshine." I sing it almost every time he is falling asleep. At some young age he started joining me in singing every few words of the song. For example: "You are my (B. joins) SUNSHINE. My only SUNSHINE. You make me HAPPY When skies are GRAY." I, ofcourse, thought this was adorable; still do, actually. He never sang this song around the house, though, like he does his other favorites such as Old MacDonald, She Loves You, and Farmer in the Dell. That is why he completely caught me by surprise the other day when he started to sing "Sunshine" (that's what we call it), and he knew every word. I totally got choked up-I'm a sap, I know. That's our song though, our special song, and it was as if he had been hiding it in his little heart to surprise us one day. I made a huge deal of his performance, so in the video that follows he is being silly. Though the silliness makes it difficult to understand him, I will still watch it over and over again! Without further ado...my little Sunshine:


Noni said...

Love the Bow!

Mom Ryan said...

Chris Martin better watch out!!

Tara said...

I like that he does two "thank yous" after he bows!! What a ham.

Colleen said...

So cute! He is such a sweet and silly little guy.