Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This Time Last Year...

Lately I find myself amazed at how much our life has changed this past year. I keep thinking, "I can't believe that was only a year ago." One year ago, we lived in Long Beach, in Southern California-SO different than where we are now. One year ago, my belly was rounding with our "Baby Unkown," I don't think the pregnancy had even sunk in for us yet! One year ago, we were a family of three, Bennett was our tiny toddler, filling our lives up so much we could hardly picture space for anyone else. One year ago, Rob worked for PSAV, step two of three on his career path. Only one year ago!

Little Bennett at the pumpkin patch last year:

(Big) Bennett this year:

With Mommy and the goats in Long Beach last year:

With Daddy and the sheep in Livermore this year:

Baby in my belly last year:

Baby on my belly this year:

Disneyland last year:

Disneyland this year:

(this is a terrible picture, but it's the only one we
took of the whole family)

Elodie this year:

I know I mentioned not being sure how our Elodie would fit into this family. I can say those honest words without feeling bad or guilty, because now-one year later-we cannot imagine our lives without her! She is our little joy. I read somewhere recently that your first baby is your pride, and your second is your joy. So true. I was telling Bennett tonight that he blesses Rob and me. He said, "Oh, I bless you?" "Yes," I said, "very much." "Oh." He responded. "What is bless you?" And I just thought about how I want to try, every day to find ways to tell and show both he and Elodie what blessings they are to us. I am going to have to show them, because it is impossible to put it into words!

Already the best of friends!


Mom Ryan said...

That was great to look at those photos from last year to now!! How quickly the time goes, hey??

Kisses and hugs for those cute children of yours!

Linda Z said...

Great pics then and now! And I like the family one!! It's really cute! :)

Colleen said...

That was a sweet one Kel. They are both blessings for sure!