Monday, May 19, 2008

Finally Gonna Finish It

I started this book 2 years ago when we were still in New York. After finding out we were pregnant, I set it down and replaced it with four thousand pre-baby books. So Rob picked it up, and informed me that I should wait to read it after the morning sickness passed (apparently it gets a little gross).

So here I am, 2 years and one baby later...I am determined to finish it. It has an incredibly slow start, but come on, the cover shows a man and a tiger sharing a boat, it's bound to pick up.

I thought maybe blogging about it would compel me to get to the end. I am a super slow reader, because reading makes me want to fall asleep-this may explain my grades in school :).

Wish me luck!

Can anyone recommend something for my next reading conquest?


Jenn said...

Have you read Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott? Hilarious... a bit crude. But all about her first year raising a son on her own. Could be one of the coolest books I have ever read because I totally identified with it!


Soderin Family said...

I just finished The Kite Runner and The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian. I would highly recommend both!

Rob, Kelly, Bennett, and Elodie said...

Thanks, ladies; I have not read any of those, so I will check them out. I have been wanting to read The Kite Runner for a long time, and I keep forgetting about it.

Miss you both!