Thursday, January 15, 2009

And So It Goes...

We had a second appointment yesterday w/my new Dr.F. He was concerned last week about my high blood pressure, and, well, yesterday it was worse (174/94). So, he sent me over to the hospital to be monitored and have blood and other tests done.

For anyone who may not know, I was put on bed rest right about this time in my pregnancy w/Bennett for the same reason. I have been hopeful that things wouldn't go this way again, because my B.P. numbers have been way better this pregnancy.

Anyway, it was much easier yesterday having been through this before. Still not my favorite thing to be hospitalized, of course, but Rob was a rock, and Bennett handled the hours of doctor time like a little champ. The hard part is always waiting with out answers, but I felt confident that everything was o.k. The best case scenario would have been that it was just high blood pressure, not effecting my platelet count, liver function, and amniotic fluid level.... the worst case scenario would have been that some or all of those things were impacted by the b.p, and the baby would need to be delivered. All of my tests came out normal/good, and they sent me home with a prescription for blood pressure medication. Hopefully the meds. will get things under control and I won't have to go on bed rest.

The good news was, she is still head down (unlike my breech Bennett), and the doc. says if my blood pressure stabilizes, I am a good candidate for a vbac. Also, I'm lovin' this doctor! Not in an inappropriate "pregnant lady has a crush on her OB" kind of way (that happens a lot, you know). We just feel super comfortable with him, his office, and the hospital. I know I mentioned it before, but I think it is worth repeating. I wish we had moved into his care sooner!

I have a blood pressure cuff at home, and today I pulled it out, and Bennett said: "bud-pre-pur... hm." Translation: Mom's checking her blood pressure to make sure the baby is o.k. I have never explained that to him; he always knows more than we think! I will continue to keep you all posted. I need to post a couple of funny videos, too, so you will hear from us soon.


Mom Ryan said...

I hope the meds will work, and you'll be able to deliver without any problem! Take care, and have a good weekend.

Prayers are with you,baby & family,


Mom Ryan said...

I hope the meds will work, and you'll be able to deliver without any problem! Take care, and have a good weekend.

Prayers are with you,baby & family,


Soderin Family said...

Praying for you! Call me tomorrow if you are up for it!